
New Excipients for Solving Amorphous Formulation Problems – Part 2

At AAPS PharmSci 360, Improved Pharma found another exciting excipient for use in formulation. Like when SSCI was started, Improved Pharma was able to make several contacts at the AAPS meeting that will advance its problem-solving capabilities. One such advanced strategy is the utilization of calcium carbonate as an excipient to enhance dissolution. The excipient Read more

New Excipients for Solving Amorphous Formulation Problems – Part 22020-04-30T18:58:09+00:00

New Excipients for Solving Amorphous Formulation Problems – Part 1

At AAPS PharmSci 360 it was clear that new excipients could be utilized to innovatively solve a range of amorphous dispersion/formulation problems. These new excipients provide significant strategy advances over conventional approaches and although our Improved Pharma scientists utilized a number of novel approaches to prepare amorphous dispersions while at SSCI, these new excipients provide Read more

New Excipients for Solving Amorphous Formulation Problems – Part 12020-04-30T18:58:41+00:00

Detecting Differences In Formulations

As changes are made to the manufacturing process during drug development, it is often necessary to ensure that a drug or drug product made in a new way is the same as the material produced using the original methods. These equivalence studies often focus on chemical or physical properties and are relatively straight-forward for well-defined, Read more

Detecting Differences In Formulations2020-04-30T19:09:57+00:00

Structure of Amorphous Materials – Structure Determination Service

One of the most critical parts of drug discovery and development is identifying the structure of the drug substance and drug product. For crystalline materials and biologicals it is routine to determine the arrangement of covalent bonds in the drug substance and drug product and the structure of the solid forms of the drug substance. Read more

Structure of Amorphous Materials – Structure Determination Service2020-04-30T19:11:22+00:00
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