Improved Pharma is delighted to announce the expansion of its current laboratory to accommodate additional research capabilities. The addition of the newly acquired laboratory facility in the Purdue Kurz Technology Center has effectively doubled the previous laboratory space and will allow for the acquisition of new instrumentation in efforts to grow Pharmaceutical and Analytical outsourcing offerings for clients.

Improved Pharma is a well-known leader in the solid-state arena and provides exceptional expertise for services including fit-for-purpose salt, polymorph and co-crystal screens, formulation support and design, analytical testing, and litigation support. In addition, the laboratories are equipped with instrumentation that includes DSC, HPLC, UV/VIS, dissolution, IR and Raman microspectroscopy, stereo, polarized light and hot/cold-stage microscopy along with image analysis software to determine particle size. Improved Pharma continues to use the Synchrotron radiation source at Argonne National Laboratory as a means to obtain unparalleled x-ray data that can be used for detection of minute quantities of amorphous material and low level solid form impurities.

“Expanding our laboratory space was the next logical step to growing our business”, states Stephen Byrn, CSO of Improved Pharma. “Our end goal is to help people by contributing to the advancement of new and innovative pharmaceutical products”.

Please contact Improved Pharma for your current or future outsourcing needs.