Being able to accurately analyze materials during the discovery and development of new pharmaceutical products is key to launching life-saving therapeutics. Improved Pharma has a complete suite of analytical testing services to characterize and monitor both drug substances and drug products throughout the pharmaceutical drug development process. Whether your needs are solid-state characterization to control polymorphs during manufacture and scale-up or more traditional analytical tools to evaluate solubility or chemical stability, Improved Pharma has both the analytical capabilities and scientific expertise to successfully carry out the task.

Our analytical expertise includes:

Thermal analysis (DSC and TG)



UV/VIS, IR, Raman, and NMR spectroscopy

Water determination (KF, DVS, moisture balance)

Viscosity measurement

Optical, hot-stage and cold-stage microscopy

X-ray powder diffraction (laboratory and synchrotron)

In addition, Improved Pharma can provide unique analytical solutions to challenging problems. For example, some interesting applications include:

Raman mapping for searching for degradation products or small, isolated regions of infringing polymorphs

Synchrotron PDF (pair distribution function) analysis for predicting the long-term stability of amorphous dispersions.

The “Lab on a Drop” technique for quickly conducting amorphous screens with minimal material

Abuse deterrent testing for pseudoephedrine formulations, opioid formulations, and other controlled substances

Our in-house team of expert consultants along with Dr. Stephen Byrn, founder of both SSCI and Improved Pharma, combine their complementary talents to provide the highest level of analytical support during all stages of drug development.

Solving Pharmaceutical Problems

We are a research and information company dedicated to improving pharmaceutical methods, formulations, and processes.